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Noble PTA President

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

PTA today: Is it time to get involved?

I want to express my thanks to all as I begin this new chapter in my PTA life. I have been a PTA member since my eldest daughter began kindergarten, nearly 8 years ago. As a child my parents were active members in the PTA on my behalf. The motivating force encouraging my participation in all things PTA, was the firm belief that we (my husband and I) needed to be involved in our child’s educational experience. We now label that belief “family engagement.” It is the cornerstone of PTA’s mission: “to be…a strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.” My husband and I believe that one cannot be an advocate if one is not engaged in the process.

I have learned over the years that being engaged is not solely attending parent-teacher conferences. That is certainly important, but is only one part of the process. Being engaged also means being aware of what is happening in the school your child attends; being aware of what is happening in the school district your child’s school is in; being aware of concerns the school board is addressing. Engagement means giving time to be involved.

Time is a precious commodity. Most of you are like me….you have a full time job (mine is being CEO to my family); you have family that is very important to you; and you have professional and personal commitments that help define who you are. Time is precious. The time I allocate to PTA is time that I know will benefit every child. That makes it worthwhile. We must all make the decision that time spent engaged in our children’s education is worthwhile. Too often individuals believe that involvement in PTA activities means giving significant volunteer hours. While there are many people that do that, PTA also needs people who can volunteer even one hour.

Engagement is also a huge part of advocacy. The Noble PTA has always committed to being a voice for all children in the Berryessa area especially in the area of education. These are tough economic times, but we cannot lose sight of the importance of educational opportunities for all children. Budgets cannot be balanced by sacrificing programs and services for children. The Noble Community has been a part of a nationwide chorus to improve our schools. At the same time, we strive to be a role modeling solo act as well.

This year I encourage parents, older siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and extended families to think about being advocates for kids who don’t know how to fight for the best educational opportunities on their own. After all, if you have to join a cause, what better one than one that directly benefits your child and your child’s friends!!


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