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Noble PTA President

Saturday, September 10, 2011

First two weeks of School are over. Are you settling in?

So the first two weeks of school are over. How did it go? Excited, relieved, satisfied - or are you feeling like YOU need to go back to school? I find that the first two weeks of school in my house is always a toss up - sometimes they are momentous, but mostly a little overwhelming. Hopefully, you've gotten to know a few of the other parents in your class. Hopefully, your kids are adjusting and feeling successful. Hopefully, you've fallen into a comfortable rhythm during the week. Here is what I’ve learned so far:
1. Not everything comes home, but the important stuff does. If I want it you have to search for it in my child’s backpack.
2. I can't live without the weekly updates. It's the glue holding this makeshift vessel together.
3. Parking in the turnaround “just for a sec” is a big no-no
4. When all else fails, send an email, raise my hands, use my words
5. I should NEVER be allowed to help my fourth grader with her math homework.
6. Check the website. All the time. It's current, chock full of information and links to calendars, etc. Plus, I hear the Principal's Blog is awesome!
7. “Like” us on Facebook. Noble Elementary School. Yes, we are on Facebook.
Of course, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn't urge you to join the PTA. It's only $5 - and it doesn't mean you have to do anything, ever. What it does mean is you will automatically be a part of the single largest child advocacy group in the nation. Of course, we want you to get involved, too - but let's start with the membership card. Hope to see everyone at the first PTA Meeting on Sep 19th!



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Daniel Juarez and Matt Murphy